Sudbury Society Response to DC/21/00165 Grace Baptist Church New Street

DC/21/00165 Grace Baptist Church New Street Sudbury Suffolk CO10 1JB SUDBURY Planning Application - Replace 8no vertical sliding sash windows with PVC sash windows.

Grace Church is a mid- Victorian Locally Listed heritage asset sitting within the Sudbury Conservation Area.

An identical application was turned down in February 2014 because the proposed windows failed to respect its setting and use materials and components that complemented and harmonised with the character and appearance of the area. Since then, there has been a further deterioration in the framework of the old original 8:8 sashes and the stone sills. We have carefully read the accompanying Supporting Letter and have come to the conclusion on this occasion we should SUPPORT the new Application. If approved we ask Planning Control to insist on seeing a window of the proposed 'Georgian style' to check that it matches the photo submitted with the application.

The approval should also stipulate that the new windows are set back, as at present, within the brick window spaces, and not flush with the surface.

David Burnett

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