About Us

The Sudbury Society was born in 1972 to resist damaging changes to the architectural fabric of the town, exemplified by the pulling down of a row of significant Victorian weavers' cottages at Inkerman Terrace.

Local people created the Society to formally co-ordinate future conservation efforts, and took as its logo the fine Corn Exchange building (now the town library and tourist information centre) which had been saved from demolition ten years earlier.

Campaigning to preserve features of the past whilst supporting innovative design for the future is what the Society is all about. 

We work to achieve this by examining new planning applications and following a policy of constructive engagement; raising awareness of significant unlisted buildings through our Local List as well as our Buildings at Risk Register; staging the 'Alan Phillips Architectural Awards' to encourage and reward the highest design standards, and publicly engaging in local civic issues.

Mattingley's Building - joint winner, 2020 Alan Phillips Architectural Award

We organise a monthly series of talks, tours and social events for members, and you can keep up to date with latest news, announcements and developments on our News page, where you can also search for previous news journals and past event reports. We also provide some advice to owners intending to make alterations to their historic building.

The Society is only as effective and influential as our members. If you feel strongly about Sudbury and wish to make a difference, join us and volunteer to serve on our Planning or Executive committees. You will be very welcome.

Details of current committee members are listed in our Contact section.

If you care about Sudbury, why not join the Society?
Join us from just £10 per year!
Find out more about membership
Find out how to get involved
Contact Us
Email: info@sudburysociety.org.uk
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