
If you care about Sudbury, why not join the Society? Membership is open to any individual or organisation who shares our wish to make Sudbury an even better place in which to live, work or do business while also attracting visitors to our historic market town. The Society relies on its membership for much of its income - so the financial support we receive from you paying an annual subscription is very important to us.

As a member, you can either sit back and enjoy our news journals, turn up and participate in our events and activities as you wish, or get more involved by joining the executive committee (members are elected at our Annual General Meeting in March each year). There is no obligation to commit time or effort but if you can support us in practical ways then we will gladly welcome you!

It's very simple to join us. Just complete the secure form below, and make a payment using the methods below. We will then be in touch with your membership number and will keep you up to date on all of our events and activity via our members newsletter.

This method really helps us to keep our costs down, and helps to keep the planet happy by reducing the use of paper!

Online Membership Form

  • Your first name and surname
  • Your full postal address including your postcode
  • This may be a landline or mobile phone number
  • To be used to relay information about Society events, news and membership matters only
  • Annual membership rates (1st January - 31st December)
  • The Sudbury welcomes your input and time
  • The Society welcomes your expertise and input
  • Please print your name
  • Please enter today's date

Payment Methods

Make a direct transfer to the Society's bank account:

HSBC Bank Account name: Sudbury Society - Acc Number: 01001779 - Sort Code: 40-43-23

Alternatively you can pay by cheque made out to The Sudbury Society and post to : Treasurer, The Sudbury Society, c/o Bates Wells & Braithwaite, 27 Friars Street, Sudbury CO10 2AD 

Annual Subscription rates (1st Jan - 31st Dec) are:

  • Single: £12.50 (or £10 if paid for by standing order)
  • Junior (under 18): £5
  • Corporate (for local organisations that wish to support the Society): £15
  • Life Membership (offering Society membership for life, open to all) : £150

You may join at any time during the year, but a new subscription is required from 1st January each year.

NEW members joining after 1st October may join at the reduced rate of £5 for the remainder of that calendar year.

If you care about Sudbury, why not join the Society?
Join us from just £10 per year!
Find out more about membership
Find out how to get involved
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