DC/23/02937 | Planning Application - Erection of 3No dwellings (following demolition of existing building)(re-submission of DC/23/00161) | Garage Gregory Street Sudbury CO10 1AZ.
The Sudbury Society recommend APPROVAL of this application with the condition that Highways requirements are implemented.
DC/23/03175 | Application for Advertisement Consent. DC/23/03122 | Planning Application. Change of use from A1-Shop to A4-Drinking establishment DC/23/03123 | Application for Listed Building Consent COURTYARD TAP. | 26 - 27 Gainsborough Street Sudbury CO10 2EU
The Sudbury Society recommends APPROVAL of these applications but would prefer to see a reduction in the lettering sizes on the signage, as the plans shown are disproportionate to the size of the building. We recommend APPROVAL for the change of use of the building as a tap room, however we do have concerns around safely exiting the building with it being sited so near to the road and would like to see this matter addressed. We recommend APPROVAL of Listed Building consent with the same concerns.
DC/23/03209 | Application for prior approval under Schedule 2, Part 3, Class MA of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 - Change of use of Class E unit to Class C3 dwellinghouse. | 36 Cross Street Sudbury CO10 2DL
The Sudbury Society supports and recommends APPROVAL
DC/23/02989 | Listed Building Consent - Internal alterations to floor layout, replace front doors to automated swing doors to comply with disabled access; Erection of external non illuminated signage and re-paint fascia as per Schedule of Works. | 98 North Street Sudbury Suffolk CO10 1RF
The Sudbury Society supports and recommends APPROVAL
DC/23/03032 | Application for Consent to display an Advertisement - Erection of new fascia signage and hanging sign to existing building | 98 North Street Sudbury Suffolk CO10 1RF
The Sudbury Society supports and recommends APPROVAL
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