DC/23/00765 | Application under S73a for Removal or Variation of Conditions following grant of DC/19/02975 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) Erection of 2No dwellings (following demolition of existing outbuilding) Condition 2 (Approved Plans and Documents) Condition 7 (Materials) Condition 8 (Rainwater Goods) - Changes to internal layout, fenestration layout, position of doors, cladding, improved insulation and amended roof (from hipped slate to flat green roof). | 53 Ballingdon Street Sudbury Suffolk CO10 2BZ
The Sudbury Society have always been concerned about parking arrangements resulting in more car movements off and onto the main A131 trunk route. This proposed development is so close to the frequently heavily congested Ballingdon intersection and traffic lights. The proposed revisions cause us even greater concern. The site lies within the Sudbury Conservation Area and in the curtilage of a Grade 2 listed building . The revised roof form and elevations of the proposed buildings make no effort to reflect this location and the structures replaced. The changes are a further way to intensify the use of the site. There is considerable planning history for this site which need to be taken into consideration.
We do not consider these proposed amendments appropriate and they should be refused.
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