Planning Response - Gregory Street

DC/23/00161 | Full Planning Application - Erection of 3No. dwellings (following demolition of existing building) | Garage Gregory Street Sudbury Suffolk CO10 1AZ

The Sudbury Society have looked at this application and support the use of this site for the construction of 3 houses, but we are extremely concerned about the design detail of the proposals.

This is a prominent site fronting the major route through the town. The standard of the design shown on the drawings is inadequate for this location The materials used should pay respect to the local brickwork tradition :  we would suggest the incorporation of decorative string courses as used on the 4 house development recently erected in Prince Street and detailing to a standard similar to the small scale development in Waldingfield Road. In addition the drawings show poor eaves/fascia/ roof detailing which is completely out of character with the surrounding older and even more modern housing. Without redesign along the lines above, we would object to this proposal. We believe as the buildings are so close to a trunk route through the town, the front windows should be triple glazed to reduce traffic noise. Furthermore, the scheme should provide extensive solar panels to the rear facing roof slope to make the houses as energy efficient as possible.

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