Press Article: Please get involved! | 6th October 2022

October 6, 2022

Read our latest article in today's Suffolk Free Press appealing for new or more active members to help shape the future of our town. Please consider joining the committee or helping with planning comments, organising or promoting events, writing features or managing social media. Contact us on


Please, don’t skim past - just spare 5 minutes to read and consider this appeal.

Do you live in Sudbury? Shop or work here? Have children or grandchildren attending primary school or high school here? If so, we appeal to you to join the Sudbury Society and consider spending an hour a week to help to shape the future of our town.

If you are a member already, could you play a more active role? There has never been a greater need for all generations to be proactive in making where we live a vibrant and sustainable twenty-first century town.

The Sudbury Society was formed fifty years ago to challenge inappropriate development in the town and save the Corn Exchange, now our much-loved library, from demolition. Opinions about architecture naturally change over the years but by celebrating good design and fantastic buildings, like the new Gainsborough Gallery and redevelopment of St Peter’s, we support investment in Sudbury now and for the future.

We need more local opinions on how best to retain our town’s historic character while balancing the need for new build – could you add your thoughts to our planning committee, commenting on important development applications affecting us all? Perhaps you have strong views on Babergh District Council’s recent ‘Visions of Sudbury’ exhibition and want to be involved in debating the finer details of proposals?

Following recent decisions by Babergh District Council’s planning committee to reject their own officer recommendations with regard to the Conservative Club and also the Churchill retirement home proposal, we foresee no shortage of challenges ahead. Will you add your voice to ours?

A key priority for this generation is climate change and this will impact how we create and sustain a town which continues to be a good place to live and work: a place for all ages to thrive, communicate and enjoy. For this, we need the involvement of the younger generations; do you or a young person you know have the ideas, the experiences and above all the energy to help make the future happen in your/their own backyard?

It might be that you are particularly interested in the life of the town, and what is going on locally. The Society, through its regular meetings, invites speakers involved in local business, charities, projects or ideas to share their experiences.

In the past year we have had learnt more about The Rug & Carpet Studio, Stour Valley Apiaries and Pop Nouveau; enjoyed a hard hat visit to the new Gainsborough’s Gallery and an update on St Peter’s; discussed the merits of Simon of Sudbury, re-wilding and the future of electric vehicles as well as hosting our annual Christmas lunch and summer garden party. We also raised over £340 for the British Legion’s Poppy Appeal.

But we are looking for new Events volunteers to run this year’s programme and identify topics for future meetings – could you be one of our event co-ordinators? There are so many fascinating individuals with wonderful stories to tell that all add up to the richness of Sudbury life – last week we heard from Sue Hewgill Peterson who, following an illustrious career as a dancer, choreographer and teacher, now runs dance classes in Sudbury for all ages, from Silver Swans to Cygnets.

It was inspiring to hear of her life in ballet and dance, building confidence through her ‘We can Dance’ charity and her description of the Society as ‘a force for good in the community … bringing people together in friendship’, an echo of the aims of her own charity. Perhaps you know of other inspiring local people who might be willing to share their stories and inspire others?

There are all kinds of other opportunities including helping with poster design, membership support, website and social media management and communications. We hope those who are the future of Sudbury will find time to join the Society, come to a meeting and get involved.

Our next meeting is a special one on Monday 3rd November - a fundraising talk by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission in advance of Remembrance Sunday. There are a staggering 65 locations within a 10 mile radius of Sudbury and our speaker will also reference their focus on gardens and architecture at the cemeteries. Meetings are usually held on the fourth Thursday of the month in the Town Hall at 7pm - more information about our programme is available on our website: and you can also apply to join the Society online.

As part of our drive to hold our local authorities accountable for the decisions they are taking that will affect our town, our new website and social media platforms make it easier to share news, planning issues and for new members to join.

Please check out or go to Facebook @sudburysociety, Twitter @SudSociety and Instagram sudburysociety.

Thank you for reading and please do make your opinion heard. Together we can have influence and make a difference.

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