Recent Planning Responses Jul/Aug 2023

DC/23/03736 | Application for Listed Building Consent - Erect a memorial wall plaque. | Sudbury Library Market Hill Sudbury CO10 2EN 

The Sudbury Society wholeheartedly support the memorial plaque for Andrew Phillips

DC/23/03548| Planning Application - Change of use, conversion and extension of former Brewery Building to 6no flats, and associated developments including: re-roofing, car parking and access.|22-24 Cornard Road Sudbury CO10 2XA

The Sudbury Society recommend SUPPORT of this application.

DC/23/03855|Planning Application. Subdivision to form 1no 2 bedroom single-storey dwelling and multi bedroomed three-storey dwelling having bed & breakfast accommodation with ground floor areas retained for commercial use.

The Sudbury Society supports this application. This building is on our Buildings at Risk Register and the application will secure its long term future.

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