Sudbury Society Response to applications re. Ballingdon Hall

DC/21/03063 | Full Planning Application - Change of use of part of dwellinghouse C3 to mixed use classes C2 (Residential Institutions) and D1 (Non-Residential Institutions), external alterations, extension of existing car parking area and landscaping | Ballingdon Hall Ballingdon Hill Sudbury Suffolk CO10 7LH

DC/21/03064 | Application for Listed Building Consent - Formation of 4no. door openings, removal of 5no. garage doors, installation of 4no. windows, installation of 1no. french door and works as detailed in the schedule of works | Ballingdon Hall Ballingdon Hill Sudbury Suffolk CO10 7LH

Sudbury Society have considered these applications and we support the grant of planning and listed building consent as the proposed mixed use for the building going forward would appear to secure the ongoing maintenance of this substantial listed building and the alterations to the elevations of the rear wing and garage accommodation we view as an improvement of the external appearance of these elevations.

Allison Burke
For and on behalf of The Sudbury Society

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