Sudbury Society Response to DC/20/05183 Reserved matters application for phase 1 infrastructure at CHILTON WOODS

DC/20/05183 Reserved matters application for phase 1 infrastructure at CHILTON WOODS
The Sudbury Society has always supported the principle of this development but we have always been concerned how the details will develop during the planning process.
We believe there is an opportunity for this scheme to be an exemplar of modern development, which should have a strong sense of place, a variety of quality design. It should have a relevance to the character of the locality and not look and feel like the piecemeal development that has occurred around the town in the last 30 years.

We believe strongly that it is completely inappropriate that this reserved matters application has been submitted before the agreement and approval of the design code for the scheme. The likely outcome of this approach will lead to a scheme that has no quality or individuality, which should be the principal aim of the planning Authority.

The timing of this development which has been on the cards for about 15 years means that it should provide innovative solutions, sustainable designs, up to date energy solutions and contemporary quality family homes. It should not be rushed through the planning process. It is clear in this application that these issues have not been addressed and the application seems to follow the indicative layouts in the outline application which should not be considered the best solution. These proposals do not appear to show any consideration of the Climate Change agenda which has been developing apace since the outline approval was granted in 2015.

The design code proposed and not yet approved provides a fairly standardised layout. It also makes no provision for increased solar energy as is shown by the original orientation of houses. It should reflect the movement away from fossil fuels and ensure that the houses adopt heating systems which are going to be introduced over the next 10 years.

This application for reserved matters should not be considered before a design code and principles for the development have been established. The people of Sudbury have always been promised that Chilton Woods will be an exemplar of modern development. It is extremely disappointing that the first move by the developer appears to show that their intention is to rush this matter through without sufficient thought or planning. The people of Sudbury were promised an exemplar of modern development that would be a great addition to the town and provide sustainable homes of a design standard far higher than some of the recent developments around the town.

For the reasons stated above the Sudbury Society believes that this application is premature. It does not ensure the development will meet the standards we have been promised and should therefore not be approved.
Sam Thornton

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