DC/22/00985 | Planning Application - Demolition of existing retaining wall to former swimming pool site. Construction of new retaining wall, park entrance landscaping to Belle Vue Park and pedestrian crossing to Cornard Road. | Belle Vue Park, Sudbury At The Roundabout Junction Of Cornard Road And Newton Road.
The Sudbury Society is pleased to see the designs for the Park Entrance by Hamson Barron Smith, which have our general support.
However, we are greatly concerned about the proposed pedestrian access as indicated in the proposed layout. The plan shows a pedestrian crossing over Cornard Road crossing where the traffic is 2-way and the pavement on the south side is narrow and leads to a no-man’s land. Moreover, this is not the direction from which most visitors will approach the park. The route taken by most people will be from the Town Centre via King Street, some from the north side but the greater number, we suspect, from the south side.
The photo below shows the current ‘island’ walkway which we believe would form a far better, safer route. Although to get to the Belle Vue corner you have to cross two stretches of traffic, each of them is a one-way lane carrying slow-moving traffic, and the pavements are broad. Unlike the Cornard Road crossing.
We wonder if Suffolk County Highways and the Project Team have given sufficient thought to this issue before opting for a crossing on Cornard Road, a few yards before the roundabout. We would like to understand why a safer, more accessible route such as we suggest here, has not been considered.
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