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Thank you for submitting an online membership form for the Sudbury Society. Our membership secretary will make contact with you shortly.

Payment Methods

You can make a direct transfer to the Society's bank account:

HSBC Bank Account name: Sudbury Society - Acc Number: 01001779 - Sort Code: 40-43-23

Alternatively you can pay by cheque made out to The Sudbury Society and post to : Treasurer, The Sudbury Society, c/o Bates Wells & Braithwaite, 27 Friars Street, Sudbury CO10 2AD 

Annual Subscription rates (1st Jan - 31st Dec) are:

  • Single: £10
  • Junior (under 18): £5
  • Corporate (for local organisations that wish to support the Society): £15
  • Life Membership (offering Society membership for life, open to all) : £150

You may join at any time during the year, but a new subscription is required from 1st January each year.

NEW members joining after 1st October may join at the reduced rate of £5 for the remainder of that calendar year.

If you care about Sudbury, why not join the Society?
Join us from just £10 per year!
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