Sudbury's Local & At Risk Lists

Our distinctive and attractive townscape is a mix of buildings from many periods

Most people are aware of the fine old buildings in the town, dating from the 15th through to the early 19th Century. These are considered to be of such national architectural or historic importance that they have been given a statutory Grade 1 or Grade 2 listing. There are, however, many other unlisted buildings in Sudbury which contribute to the unique interest and variety of the local townscape, some of which also have local historical interest.

Working with David Burnett, the Society has created a Local List which has been checked by the Heritage Team at Babergh District Council.  This means that the Council may take Local Listing into consideration when receiving a planning application but Local Listing has no "planning weight." For convenience we have added a few modern buildings that we feel have architectural merit and represent good contextual townscape design. These are not of sufficient age to have heritage value and are not Locally Listed. These buildings are indicated by stars ** against their addresses.

Searching the Local List

Either: Click on a Street Name in the list at the bottom of this page, then on an address. Finally click on the image of the chosen property to enlarge it.

Or: Scroll down to the Image Gallery below under the Index which contain images of all the Locally Listed buildings and click on the one you are interested in.

Buildings At Risk

The Society Planning Committee has been working on a Buildings At Risk register. Nearly all the buildings included in this list are situated in the Sudbury Conservation Area and are either nationally Listed or on the Local List. The condition of these properties is deteriorating mainly because most of them have been unoccupied for some time.

We are monitoring these properties and we will update the entries in the light of any new information. Nothing would give us greater pleasure if we could then remove a property from the List.

To view the list download it by clicking on the following link:

Click below for advice for local property owners who intend to make alterations:

Index of street names

Unlisted buildings gallery

Click on a property to view full details.

A number of these buildings were identified in “Sudbury, Suffolk the unlisted heritage” written in 2002 by our then Chairman David Burnett. They subsequently formed the basis of the Sudbury Local List, adopted by Babergh District Council in 2004.

Please Contact us if information given on a building is incorrect or can be added to e.g. date of construction, builder involved, alterations made.


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